Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy for anxiety, burn-out, depression, trauma, daily problems, life crises and other mental diseases


Dear visitor, dear client,

for more than 20 years we have been supporting and helping people as coaches, psychological counsellors and therapists. 

At the beginning of every psychotherapeutic therapy together with you we analyze your individual situation (anamnesis) and you will receive a medical diagnosis from us. With your assistance we then develop a tailor-made plan that should help you the most. For example, many of our clients do not want to analyze their past for long, but prefer to look ahead and work on new solutions to solve their problems. The goal of most therapies is to strengthen your self-solving competence and your mental health. Here, the hypnotherapy according to Milton Erickson and the (cognitive) behavioural therapy according to Aaron T. Beck might help the best. Both therapeutical treatments are scientifically approved and can help you to live the life you want - a life of emotional well-being and mental health.

We are looking forward to helping and supporting you,

sincerely, Kateřina & Louis