What is behavioural therapy? |
Besides "psychoanalysis" and "depth analysis", the "behavioural therapy" is one of three psychotherapy methods approved by the world health organization (WHO). The 2 main differences between these three kinds of psychotherapy are the duration (1) and the focus (2). While "psychoanalysis" and "depth analysis" might often take hundred or more sessions (1), they mainly focus on the past like early childhood (2). "Behavioural therapy" mainly focuses on the present and the future and on developing and training new behavioural patterns. During "behavioural therapy" we as therapists support you to get a grip on your problems and help you to develop new strategies to cope with stress or difficult situations. For many clients experiencing behavioural therapy, 10 to 20 sessions are enough. Modern behavioural therapy also focuses on the belief system and on subconscious thoughts (cognitions) that cause psychological problems and suffering. This procedure is also called "cognitive behavioural therapy". |
How many treatments do I need with behavioural therapy? |
Unfortunately, there is no general answer to that, it always depends on the kind of the disease and the degree of its development. Every psychological problem and disease should be treated individually. Furthermore, it strongly depends on you, the client, and how often and intensely you can do your therapeutical homework. Many clients experiencing a behavioural therapy need 10-15 treatments, some only need 5, others 25 treatments. |
Do I have to lie on a sofa? |
No, during behavioural therapy the client and therapist sit opposite each other in a relaxed and calm atmosphere. The therapist guides the conversation using questions, checks and questions negative automatic thoughts (cognitions) and supports the client in developing and training new thought and behavioural patterns that support healing. |
How is behavioural therapy organized? |
Behavioural therapy is always an individual and tailor-made treatment. As therapists we adapt the procedure, the methods and the speed accordingly to your needs. Some clients prefer to work on new behavioural concepts rather quickly, others need time to talk about, to reflect or to analyze their problems, their social background or their negative automatic thoughts. All ways are fine, as you are always involved in the process and decide about the content, the working speed and the amount of exercises. Although every behavioural therapy is a very individual treatment, the following example might give you an idea about a rather standardized process of behavioural therapy:
Of course, the above-mentioned points can vary in order and intensity. Incidentally, hypnotherapy can be easily integrated into behavioural therapy and can often help to accelerate the success of the healing process. |
Which techniques are used during a behavioural therapy? |
Numerous kinds of techniques can be used in cognitive behavioural therapy. However, it is always important that the method suits your needs and that you feel comfortable with it. Behavioural therapy may include:
You can find more information about behavioural therapy methods elsewhere on the Internet. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. |
Which mental diseases can be treated with behavioural therapy? |
Since there are many different procedures in behavioural therapy, the range of possible uses is very big. The client and the therapist decide together whether the use of behavioural therapy makes sense. Below you will find a short list of possible areas of application: |
Please note: Behavioural therapy can also be used to treat moderate and major depression (according to ICD 10 of the WHO), schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or delusional disorder. However, these diseases are usually treated with the help of a psychiatrist and require an additional drug therapy. As I cannot provide you with the necessary drugs, please ask your psychiatrist or general practitioner for the right treatment. |